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Wedding in Greenville, SC

Bagpipe, charleston, south carolina, wedding, golf, tournament, weddings, bagpiper

2011 Cougar Golf Classic

Walking up the #10 tee box performing at the opening ceremonies

wedding, weddings, south carolina, carolina, bagpips, bagpiper, celebration


bagpipes, greenville, sc, south carolina, wedding, weddings, bride, brides, bridal, charleston, south carolina


south carolina, carolina, charleston, columbia, wedding, weddings, celebration

Beautiful Wedding

Leading the bride down the aisle

The Carolina Bagpiper Charleston Bagpiper South Carolina Scottish

Carolina Yacht Club May 2011

Party for the Pink

Kicking off the After Party at the Party for the Pink Breast Cancer Awareness Fundraiser on Saturday July 16, 2011

Beautiful Scotland

Awe inspiring beauty of the Scottish coastline.

carolina bagpiper, charleston bagpipe music, bagpipes

Highland Games Performance

Image of The Carolina Bagpiper performing at The Highland Games.

A Carolina Bagpiper in Scotland

Taken during a trip to Scotland just prior to an outdoor performance along the coast.